O man ! you are supreme in God’s creation; now is your opportunity. You may or may not fulfill your destiny. [1. p. 913].:-
Some make a big show of their worldly influence. Some make a big show of devotional worship.
Some practice inner cleansing teahniques, and control the breath through Kundalini Yoga.
I am poor and meek; I worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har. || 1 ||
I place my faith in You alone, O Beloved Lord. I do not know any other way. || 1 || Pause ||
Some abandon their homes, and live in the forests.
Some put themselves on silence, and call themselves hermits.
Some claim that they are devotees of the One Lord alone.
I am poor and meek; I seek the shelter and support of the Lord, Har, Har. || 2 ||
Some say that they live at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
Some refuse food and become Udaasis, shaven-headed renunciates.
Some have wandered all across the earth.
I am meek; I have fallen at the door of the Lord, Har, Har. || 3 ||
Some say that they belong to great and noble families.
Some say that they have the arms of their many brothers to protect them.
Some say that they have great expanses of wealth.
I am meek; I have the support of the Lord, Har, Har. || 4 ||
Some dance, wearing ankle bells.
Some fast and take vows, and wear malas. Some apply ceremonial tilak marks to their foreheads.
I am meek; I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. || 5 ||
Some work spells using the miraculous spiritual powers of the Siddhas.
Some wear various religious robes and establish their authority.
Some perform Tantric spells, and chant various mantras.
I am meek; I serve the Lord, Har, Har, Har. || 6 ||
One calls himself a wise Pandit, a religious scholar.
One performs the six rituals to appease Shiva.
One maintains the rituals of pure lifestyle, and does good deeds.
I am meek; I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. || 7 ||
I have studied the religions and rituals of all the ages.
Without the Name, this mind is not awakened.
Says Nanak, when I found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, my thirsty desires were satisfied, and I was totally cooled and soothed. || 8 || 1 ||
He created you out of this water. From clay, He fashioned your body.
He blessed you with the light of reason and clear consciousness.
In your mother’s womb, He preserved you. || 1 ||
Contemplate your Savior Lord. Give up all others thoughts, O mind! || 1 || Pause ||
He gave you your mother and father; he gave you your charming children and siblings; he gave you your spouse and friends; enshrine that Lord and Master in your consciousness. || 2 ||
He gave you the invaluable air; He gave you the priceless water; He gave you burning fire; let your mind remain in the Sanctuary of that Lord and Master. || 3 ||
He gave you the thirty-six ( many) varieties of tasty foods; He gave you a place within to hold them; He gave you the earth, and things to use; enshrine in your consciousness the feet of that Lord and Master. || 4 ||
He gave you eyes to see, and ears to hear; He gave you hands to work with, and a nose and a tongue; He gave you feet to walk upon, and the crowning glory of your head; O mind, worship the Feet of that Lord and Master. || 5 ||
He transformed you from impure to pure; He installed you above the heads of all creatures; now, you may fulfill your destiny or not; Your affairs shall be resolved, O mind, by meditating on God. || 6 ||
Here and there (everywhere), only the One God exists. Wherever I look, there You are.
My mind is reluctant to serve Him; forgetting Him, I cannot survive, even for an instant. || 7 ||
I am a sinner, without any virtue at all.
I do not serve You, or do any good deeds.
By great good fortune, I have found the boat — the Guru.
Slave Nanak has crossed over, with Him. || 8 || 2 ||
Some pass their lives enjoying pleasures and beauty.
Some pass their lives with their mothers, fathers and children. Some pass their lives in power, estates and trade.
The Saints pass their lives with the support of the Lord’s Name. || 1 ||
The world is the creation of the True Lord. He alone is the Master of all. || 1 || Pause ||
Some pass their lives in arguments and debates about scriptures.
Some pass their lives tasting flavors.
Some pass their lives attached to women.
The Saints are absorbed only in the Name of the Lord. || 2 ||
Some pass their lives gambling. Some pass their lives getting drunk.
Some pass their lives stealing the property of others.
The humble servants of the Lord pass their lives meditating on the Naam. || 3 ||
Some pass their lives in Yoga, strict meditation, worship and adoration.
Some, in sickness, sorrow and doubt.
Some pass their lives practicing control of the breath.
The Saints pass their lives singing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises. || 4 ||
Some pass their lives walking day and night.
Some pass their lives on the fields of battle.
Some pass their lives teaching children.
The Saints pass their lives singing the Lord’s Praise. || 5 ||
Some pass their lives as actors, acting and dancing.
Some pass their lives taking the lives of others.
Some pass their lives ruling by intimidation.
The Saints pass their lives chanting the Lord’s Praises. || 6 ||
Some pass their lives counseling and giving advice.
Some pass their lives forced to serve others.
Some pass their lives exploring life’s mysteries.
The Saints pass their lives drinking in the sublime essence of the Lord. || 7 ||
As the Lord attaches us, so we are attached.
No one is foolish, and no one is wise. Nanak adores, adores those who are blessed by His Grace to receive His Naam. || 8 || 3 ||
[GGS page 913]
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